Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On Valentine's Day (Part 1)

It just stopped raining. The ground glitters with leftover raindrops. Soft sunlight is filtering through the clouds of the afternoon sky. A comforting chill lingers in the air. I am sitting in front of my desk, with a cup of horlicks, all alone. We're in this Love Together by Al Jarreau is blaring from my Mac. On the day before Valentine's Day.


Not really. Well, at least I don't think so. Despite the fact that this is going to be my first Valentine's Day as a single gal in two years. And that all around the hallways today were booths offering stuffed bears, chocolates, and roses. And that the hall lifts and lobby are plastered with Valentine greetings. And that my younger brother just got together with his very first girlfriend and the two of them will be going out to dinner with my mom and dad tomorrow.

Okay, I'm starting to sound like a bitter, old spinstress. I guess a tad part of me is sad about the whole thing, but a bigger part of me feels like it's all going to be okay. Looking at my uber girly planner alone, the past few weeks have been a fantastic blur of meetings, trainings, lunches, and night outs. I am so truly grateful to all the friends who have made the past few weeks an easier load to bear. You guys know who you are, and you definitely deserve a big (FREE!) hug from me one of these days :)

Uh-oh, it seems my brain has taken a vacation yet again, as my thoughts have become fragmented. The thought of the fondue awaiting me at Kimmy's has taken its place. Hence, I shall temporarily stop reflecting and shall get back to all of you later.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Soapaholic said...

Ohmygoooood Kim has a girlfriend???? Oh my goooood!!!!! We're so old!!!!!!